
Landed House Interior Design

Renovating a landed property like terraces, villas or bungalows is far different from a HDB or condo unit as the space involved is much larger. A landed property may come with add-ons like a dedicated garage, backyard or garden besides the larger space. Therefore, the amount of renovation work involved will be far greater which demands for a bigger budget and scope of design.

Regardless of whether it is built from scratch or by a private property developer, landed properties require the help of architects and interior designers with expertise in handling extensive structural works. Moreover, the renovation guidelines may differ from condo and HDB renovation.

Therefore, it is important for you to take the following rules into consideration before hiring an interior design company in Singapore:

1. Read up on the URA’s Planning and Permission for Development and Building Works guidelines to determine which renovation works do not require a permit. Do note that these guidelines do not apply to conservation buildings and central areas which use more specific guidelines.

2. You can apply for permit on the URA webpage for renovation works which are not listed in the guide.

3. Otherwise, you may want to engage an architect or interior designer to do the application on your behalf.

Need help with your home design? Speak to our designer to get started today.

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